::Wat's happening!::


Strategic Games Club was set up as early as be4 mid-yrs.
Planning and requesting support from sch took us a long time.
Despite the delay, we are proud to annouce that it is now ready for all.
We welcome anybody to join us on every thursday to have fun!
U could join to be part of us or just drop by to have a game!
Currently we would be starting on BRIDGE & HEARTS.
Once we receive fund from the college,
we will purchase challenging & educational strategic board & card games,
These games improve ECONS concepts & feed VOCAB banks.
Our committee will also arrange CIPs to Childcare/Children Homes,
teaching children these beneficial games.
No worries if u are an alient to these games,
we provide training sessions.

SGC NYJC 3:50:00 pm

They are coming soon! (once we got $$ from college :D)

Apple to Apples...

* Train Debating Skills (Argue and persuade the judges)
* Improve English Language skills
CIP: we plan to introduce this game to the primary schools students)


* Test one's debating skills and English language
* Requires interaction between the players
(CIP: we also plan to introduce this game to the primary schools students)


* Classic game
* Easy but needs skills

The Motley Fool's Buy Low Sell High...

* Stocks, industries, financial crisis, resource allocation
* Economics experience for the players
* Requires Math and Econs skills

Dawn Under...

* Memory game
* Requires strategies


* Singaporean design
* Stock marketing
* More complicated and requires analytical thinking

I'm The Boss...

* Financial Game (Marketing/investment)
* It encourages Teamwork.
* Requires Math and planning skills


* Modified Mahjong/ Western Version
* Classic Game
* Not about luck!

Scotland Yard...

* Detective game
* Requires EQ
* Train critical thinking skills

SGC NYJC 10:50:00 am


NYJC Our Home


We play BOARDGAMES, do u?
We play MAHJONG, do u?
We play SUDOKU, do u?
We play HEARTS, do u?
We play RUBIK'S, do u?
We play BRIDGE, do u?
Have Fun Playing!

P rovide
L earning
A lternative for
Y ou

tag us!

President : Tang Jie
V.President : Bi Xia
Secretary : Hwee Kay
Treasurer : Xin Rong
P.R.O : Yong Chang, Miki
CIP Officer : Corine, Yu Ting
Q.M: Samantha

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